Property Management

Elementary forms of real estate practice have changed and property managers today are required to provide more than a rent collection service. Ongoing customer service and a complete property assessment are essential. Our clients have the comfort of knowing that their agent has the skill, competence and enthusiasm to handle matters as though the property was their own! 

Below is a list of management services we provide:

Provide a landlord’s instruction sheet that incorporates appropriate instructions from the owner for attending to request for maintenance and repairs, disbursement of rent, insurance and any other payments.

Collect rental payments in accordance with the lease agreement.
Pay authorised account and statutory charges.
Disburse the rent according to the owner’s instructions.
Prepare annual revenue and expenditure statements.
Pay rates, insurance premiums, body corporate fees and any other payments.
Establish and maintain property and rental records.
Conduct periodic inspections and maintenance reporting.
Attend to maintenance requests, advise owner, instruct tradespeople, arrange quotations and pay tradespeople.
Negotiate and administer rental reviews and lease expirations.
Arrange insurance cover as directed and oversee any insurance claims.
Appropriate action if the lessee is in default, including the issuing of all relevant notices or letters of demand and instructions to solicitors.
Undertake inventory where require